Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sex in the town

Time to reward yourself and enjoy the love life that you never thought ever existed.

Does the idea of following the trials and tribulations of a shoe obsessed woman in search of the perfect man, much like the popular character portrayed by Sarah Jessica Parker on both your television and at the Ultra-Mega-Super-Plex last weekend, interest you? Are you put off by the elitist computers and elitist drinks?

Well, do we have a franchise for you.. Sex in the Town. After a hard day cruising through the clearance sections at local department store and thrift shops, four friends meet up at Subway to consume five dollar foot longs. Their conversations drift from the mundane to the exciting (Nascar), eventually culminating with a laid-back evening of Wapatui and Peanut Butter Sandwiches on the back porch while the kids are inside watching Bob the Builder.

That my friends, is reward enough for any hard working woman. Finally, some characters you can relate to while you laugh, love, and learn together.

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